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Sunday, April 15, 2012

One week without Xanax

It's a week now after I took my last Xanax.  I do still have a yearning for Xanax.  Anytime I feel a little anxiety, my first impulse is to grab a Xanax.  That's been my practice for 25 years.  Now I use my DBT skills and it goes away.   I'm still feeling nausea and stomach upset.  I was on generic Xanax and I think it's the fillers they put in generics that's upsetting me.  Still time passes on and I'm so happy each day that passes without using Xanax.  I think the toughest part of no longer using Xanax is that it has been a part of my life for so long and it's like I'm switching gears and going in another direction.  We humans love familiarity and we are so against change.   I'm here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with change as it can be what is best for you.  

To get off Xanax, you have to first forge a life without drama.  It helps to have the support of friends, family and medical professionals.  Then you have to learn to trust yourself and your body.  Setting a strict schedule to taper off Xanax is a recipe for disaster.  The best way to taper off Xanax is to let your body determine the next taper and tlhe next.   I went something like two months per taper but that's just how it worked out.  With each taper, I became more confident.  When your body is ready for the next taper, then you taper.  That is the best way to taper....at least in my experience. 

I'll post next at one month off Xanax. :)

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