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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Update on me

Been two years since I updated this blog and lots happened.  First off, still off Xanax but using a small dose of Klonopin for my parasomnias.  Also added Trazodone which is helping me sleep without thrashing. So far so good.    My anxiety is mostly under control despite going to White Sox Park June 9, 2014 with Leanne and had a massive panic attack, and left the park after 3 innings.  Next season we'll be going back to White Sox Park and trying to stay the whole game.  Maybe the Sox will have a better team.  

I lost my job March 23, 2015 with the charge being I falsified my FMLA papers.  We fought it and had a grievance hearing April 23rd and the result on May 23rd was that I will still fired.  

I've decided my next career will be a social media marketing person...maybe even a director.  I'm going to take some "classes" at Score Chicago and then look for a job immediately in that field.   At the moment, I'm living on my pension which I was able to salvage.  I was turned down for unemployment benefits.